Ni ella ni yo pensamos disculparnos por nuestras palabras. No se disculpa el sol aunque queme ni la luna aunque en ocasiones aterre. Yo amo, todo aquello que pueda ser amable, y como me rehúso a esconderme, he aquí mi escape.

19 sept 2013

I do have a thing with jewels. 
I love accessories, necklaces, rings, bracelets. 
And I need to have something permanent, I have a bracelet and my rings.
It sounds amazing. Why? 
Because one of my guys, I love them, gave me a silvery ring for 'Love and Friendship'.
They've always said they're going to marry me, I usually laugh but I don't know, I can never know. 
Though, I love my present. 
I love when they just come out of nowhere with a chocolate bar or with a beer because they know I'm curious. I love when he says he wants to give me a ring because it's what I've wanted for many years. 
I love them, that's it. I love my boys, and I would choose them if I could.
I can't, I don't see myself loving them that way, but I love them with all my soul.
And I love my ring, as I love my fountain pen, and as I will love my new 'Belle' necklace when Len decide to give it to me. 
What can I say? It's no wonder why I can walk through fire for them. 
They're the best I have in this life.
(I'm sorry, I know it took me a while to publish this but here it is).

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