Ni ella ni yo pensamos disculparnos por nuestras palabras. No se disculpa el sol aunque queme ni la luna aunque en ocasiones aterre. Yo amo, todo aquello que pueda ser amable, y como me rehúso a esconderme, he aquí mi escape.

24 ene 2014


It's no one else you're leaving but me.
It's my heart the one that breaks,
ae my tears the ones that spill out.
It's me who's going to miss you the most,
since I'm the one left alone.


You gave them mouth,
you're the one who speaks,
any word can't be even thought
if it's not for your will.


I just need to reach that place,
that moment of nonexistent time,
that place where there's only eternity,
that place of you.


To that who knows the end from the beginning,
and who put the stars above,
and lit up the sun.


Greatness is just great until you really see the light.
Until that light of truth comes to lit up your world.


And I came to free you,
to give you life,
instead of prison.


You might be a sinner
but that may be just what's needed.

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