Ni ella ni yo pensamos disculparnos por nuestras palabras. No se disculpa el sol aunque queme ni la luna aunque en ocasiones aterre. Yo amo, todo aquello que pueda ser amable, y como me rehúso a esconderme, he aquí mi escape.

28 sept 2010


The truth is that i am not going to ask anything else to anyone...i am tired that everytime i want something, when i care about something, i screw up!.

I don't wanna be that weak girl who's always trying to make it right and who never can.

I am sorry but i'm still not disposed to being that kind of girl, i don't want give up but...what can i do? if the people I thought would be there for me isn't here, if the persons i wanted to be here by my side are not.

What do i have left? ¿an empty heart, a sad story? or maybe i just have started the way to the top of the world. i wish it was as i want, life is not too fair, right?

I think that, if the only persons what can make me feel better, read this, they won't understand, at least i still being the same but who knows for how long will i be me.

So, what do you think? am I crazy enough to be taken in count? or, maybe, could be, i am the only one reasonable in a mad, sadly, deppresive, destructor and killer world.

This is my good bye, i don't even know exactly what did i do wrong, i tried to apologize, i asked you sorry, but you didn't understood that i wanted a hug, that i wanted to hear that everything were fine, that you weren't angry, that you want me.

You didn't said it.


14 sept 2010


Se dice que el amor es ese sentimiento que te brinda paz y te dice que estas completo....que, cuando te enamoras, la otra persona se convierte en tu mitad, en tu ser mismo y toma un papel trascendental en todo aquello que haces, piensas y sientes.....Mentira!!! amor no es eso: amor es sentir que te importa mas el brindarle felicidad y un futuro a esa persona que incluso tenerlo tu mismo, es sentir que aun cuando tengas que sacrificar tu vida y tu felicidad por que esa persona pueda ser feliz lo harías gustoso, ¿por qué? porque es parte tuya, porque su felicidad basta para llenar tu vida, porque su sonrisa es mas valiosa para ti que todo el oro de este planeta y su alegría es la joya más valiosa en la corona de la realidad.
Es aquella dialéctica entre tu y el mundo, donde el mundo no es nada sin esa persona y donde tu no eres nada sin esa persona y tu mundo y tú están completa e irrevocablemente ligados al destino y a la vida de aquel maravilloso ser que se supone no depende de ti pero de quien tú si dependes.